Thursday 21 February 2013

Responding to an event: Japans Tsunami 2011

 My response to an event was the tsunami that took place in Japan 2011 which was one of the strongest tsunamis that they had experienced.

My response was focused on the aftermath of the event which was the injured, homeless & anyone who needed help. The shape of the building is the shape of the area that was hit the most & clearly where more attention for help was needed. This building is at least 20ft high making sure that all the disaster wouldn't interfere with the inside of the building & the people who have already been through enough.

In total there are 3 of these building around the area.
Red area is the shape of the building & the area that was hit the most

Collision Project

As part of my collision project I had to collide two different objects, buildings, anything together. They could be opposite to each other or two completely different things that you wouldn't normally find as a combined model. My idea was to collide different types of cultures.

First model was Traditional Chinese architecture & modern architecture.
Second model to have a stronger development was Islamic & modern architecture.
Third model is an opposite of a small cottage with a mansion house gate.

My final model is a collision of all models that I made into one. It is a museum about different cultures, full of history facts & their traditions. It is placed in a popular tourists attraction for example Hyde Park.